Reputation is unavoidable – have one you actually love – unignorable & magnetic

How to become and stay „unignorable“? How to become this distinguished personal brand, that nobody can bypass, when looking for expertise in his or her field of business?

Oliver Aust from EO Ipso Communications, is the expert in how to become this shiny brand and how to communicate it to those parts of the (business) world that need to know about you. So Oliver sat down and wrote a book about it, which just hit the market, being a bestseller straight away, which sort of proves his point: Unignorable.

„Unignorable“ has been inspired by the work of Cal Newport „So Good They Can´t Ignore You“, who located the resason for becoming hopelessly known for something in being so passionate about that thing, that you could not avoid it but getting better and better in what you do… which eventually and naturally leads to well deserved fame for this.

While fully agreeing with this, Oliver Aust still found reality falling short more often than not, for this being the bulletproof prerequisite of being unignorable, for many great and entrepreneurs out there. This triggered him to look for the „why“. His approach is about Mindset, Motivation, Method und Message …

… and when listening to the second half of this inspirational episode, he might have found his „5th M-element“ with Christian´s Magnetic Culture!

Oliver Aust ist einer der führenden europäischen Experten für Kommunikation und Personal Branding. Er hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Menschen zu unterstützen ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen und ihre individuelle Stimme zu entdecken.
Als Gründer und CEO einer führenden Kommunikationsberatung ist er ein geschätzter Berater vieler hochrangiger Persönlichkeiten und Organisationen.
Er ist Co-Host eines Podcast über CEO-Kommunikation, hat zwei Bücher zum gleichen Thema geschrieben und teilt seine Strategien über Personal Branding in seinem Blog. Sein drittes Buch, Unignorable, wurde zum Amazon-Bestseller in der ersten Woche.